Trump’s Iowa Christian Hucksters?

Donald Trump says Mark Sneed is an important ministry leader. There is no publicly available evidence that he is anything other than a real estate agent. Mark, get in touch and tell us the truth.

Matthew Don is signed up in Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition as a “ministry leader” up in Hancock County, but Don himself says that he’s just an aspiring cybersecurity professional, all the way down in Des Moines. Who’s lying? Matthew Don, please let us know.

Then there’s Raven Stuefen, who Donald Trump says is an important Christian minister. The funny thing is that Raven Stuefen herself says that she had 30 years in retail, and then some factory work. She doesn’t talk about being a minister. What she does on her TikTok channel is make some very unfunny jokes about throwing electric toasters onto people while they’re in the bathtub. What kind of Christian minister does that?

Inquiring minds want to know whether Donald Trump’s network of Christian leaders is anything more than smoke and mirrors.

Raven, Mark, Matthew, we are happy to tell the truth about who you are, if only you will share!

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