The totalitarian Ten Commandments

Totalitarian Ten Commandments of Christianity

Iowa Christian Nationalists Robin Claeys, Dennis Reynolds, David Mork, & Joel Tenney remind us how much Christian Nationalists hate democracy, and long for Jesus Christ to come back from the dead to smash American democracy with an iron scepter, as promised in the New Testament's Book of Revelation.

They hunger for the torture and Genocide under the god king Jesus that the Bible promises them. They long for revenge.

These Christian Nationalists show how the Ten Commandments provides the ideological blueprint for religious totalitarianism. That’s why Donald Trump and his supporters celebrate the new Louisiana law that forces all children to be exposed to the religious laws of the Ten Commandments repeatedly every day. The 10 Commandments are inherently totalitarian, declarations of the death of human freedom under a cruel authoritarian god who declares over and over again, “Thou shalt, thou shalt not, thou shalt, thou shalt not…” without ever allowing any other opinion to be heard.


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