Donald Trump has an Army of God
The 2024 presidential campaign of Donald Trump is fueled by the zeal of Christian Nationalism, the belief that the United States should no longer be a democracy, but should become a nation with a religious government that uses its power to elevate Christianity and suppress all alternatives.
40 percent of Americans are now non-Christian. As a consequence, Christian Nationalist supporters of Donald Trump are increasingly advocating religious violence. Ultimately, their faith declares that there must be a global war of religious genocide in which Christians slaughter everyone who refuses to join their Crusade.
This podcast profiles members of Donald Trump’s Christian Nationalist Army of God.

Iowa Pastor Kevin Johnson Preaches Christian Nationalist Pseudohistory
Kevin Johnson of the Boone Church of God of Prophecy in Boone, Iowa lies to the members of his church, telling them a false history of America in order to support his Christian Nationalist political agenda.

The totalitarian Ten Commandments
The 10 Commandments are inherently totalitarian, declarations of the death of human freedom under a cruel authoritarian god who declares over and over again, “Thou shalt, thou shalt not, thou shalt, thou shalt not…” without ever allowing any other opinion to be heard.