Thomas Detamore Donald Trump Christian preacher Iowa Faith Leader Coalition

Thomas Detamore is pastor at the Aplington Baptist Church in Aplington, Iowa.

The church aims to subjugate all nations around the world to the authority of Christianity, “teaching them to obey” the commands of Christian leaders.

In the most recent sermon at the Aplington Baptist Church, Thomas Detamore preached against tolerance of equality, saying that “They were warning, if we start to allow these things to happen, right, some of the social issues that we deal with today, whether it’s gay marriage, different, if we give them equal footing, they’re not going to be happy with us just saying, you stay in your lane, we’ll stay in ours.”

Detamore’s point is that people who disagree with his religion shouldn’t be allowed legal equality, because soon, if they’re granted equality under the law, LGBTQ Americans will start to demand other sorts of freedom. So, in order to maintain Christian power, Detamore calls for unequal footing, for ancient Christian religious laws to be used to discriminate against LGBTQ Americans, making them second class citizens.

Donald Trump has promised his Christian supporters that he will use the power of the White House to defend and uphold their religion above all others. But what version of Christianity will that be?

Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition explores the culture of religious extremism, violence, intolerance, and dishonesty of the Iowa Christians who enabled Donald Trump to win the Iowa caucuses and seize the Republican Party presidential nomination in 2024.

The stories are shocking, but America cannot afford to ignore their lesson.

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates American law

Let’s learn more about the extremist Christian Nationalists who are members of Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.