A preacher who wanted to kill the president

David Pautsch is a long-time Christian Nationalist activist and founder of Thy Kingdom Come Ministries in Davenport, Iowa. He is running for Iowa’s 1st district seat in the US House of Representatives, and he once called for the killing of the President of the United States.

As revealed by Indiana journalist Mark Alesia, David Pautsch has exhibited problems with anger management in the past.

Instead of turning the other cheek and loving his enemies as Jesus told his followers to do, David Pautsch suggested that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, should be hauled into a public square and hung by his neck until he was dead. Pautsch called for the killing of the President on the basis of the false belief that Obama, as a black man, could not possibly be a citizen of the United States.

Pautsch has also come to running to the support of violent white supremacists, arguing that neo-Nazi skinheads are just normal people who ought to feel good about themselves. When asked what he thought about the phrases “white supremacist” and “white nationalist”, David Pautsch said, “Why are those offensive words?”

David Pautsch is running as a Republican candidate for US Congress in Iowa’s 1st district.

Pautsch argues that only Christians should be allowed to hold elected office in the United States, saying, “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”

Pautsch also believes that all non-Christian religions are inherently demonic. “Anyone who worships anything or anyone besides the Most High God, Jesus Christ, is worshiping devils,” Pautsch says.

David Pautsch also believes that Barack Obama is not a human, but is a literal demon. Pautsch called the Obama White House “demon infested,” and then said, “My ‘demon-infested’ comment wasn’t a play on speech. I’m talking about the real deal. The wickedness Obama has tried to foist on the US and Israel is so twisted it deserves the gallows.”

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates the law

Let’s make it our business to become aware of the radical preachers who are members of the Coalition.