Mike Griffiths Revelation Church Bettendorf Iowa

Just before the movie Civil War came out in cinemas, Mike Griffiths issued a new prophecy, calling his followers to violence. The new Griffiths prophecy states: “I Am calling My Army into formation. The Battle lines have been drawn. I am calling All My People to the frontline of the Battle. You have been prepared. You have been trained and equipped. There are no part-time soldiers in My Army. There are no weekend warriors. There are no mercenaries. There is only 100% sold-out, all in, do or die, Spirit-filled, power packed warriors. There is no retreat. No turning back; Only victory.”

Mike Griffiths is a founder of the Quad Cities Ministry Association.

Mike is also co-founder of the Revelation Church in Bettendorf, Iowa, along with his wife Gail Griffiths.

Mike Griffiths believes that he has been granted the power to receive direct messages with prophecies from the Christian god, such as “Do you know that I’m not like a human shepherd? I have the ability to keep the 99 safe and also to go after the 1 that was lost. You are forever mine!”

Mike Griffiths is one of over 300 members of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition, a shadowy network of Christian Nationalists who are doing everything they can to ensure that Donald Trump is elected President in 2024.

Their goal is not only to put Trump in office, but to use him as means to achieve their ultimate objective: To replace American democracy with a totalitarian Christian theocracy with Donald Trump at its head.

To find out more about this anti-democracy network, read the new book Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates the law

Let’s make it our business to become aware of the radical preachers who are members of the Coalition.