Lila Shutt Trump Christian Faith Healer Iowa

Holy Spirit Led Ministries is an organization led by Patricia Lage and David Lage, both of whom are also listed by the Trump campaign as members of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition. The web site of Holy Spirit Led Ministries lists the Lages as its reverends. It gives no acknowledgement of the existence of Lila Shutt.

The 2015 video shows a young woman wearing a backpack sit down on a stool quickly and smoothly, after she easily bends down to touch her toes, without any sign of pain or hesitation, before the faith healing. Then, Lila Shutt says a prayer over the young woman, bobbing her head repeatedly and shouting. At the end of the prayer, the young woman gets up and says that her back and hips feel much better. “Thank you, Jesus,” the young woman says.

Wouldn’t it be great if the rest of us only had to deal with the kind of “back pain” that leads us to walk around the Iowa State Fair all day with a backpack on, before smoothly bending down to touch our toes before we got “healed”? Who could have guessed that sitting down on a stool for a couple of minutes might make a person’s tired back feel better? It’s a miracle!

Of course, it isn’t really a miracle. Lila Shutt is practicing a garden variety con artist’s schtick.

The con in con artistry is confidence. Lila Shutt has plenty of confidence, declaring that she has the power to raise people from the dead. “I found that my total destiny was to go and preach the gospel, to lay hands on the sick, and raise the dead.”

There is no record of Lila Shutt bringing any dead people back to life. Nonetheless, she claims the power of a necromancer.

Outside of the 2015 video, the only other available evidence of Lila Shutt’s work as a “faith leader” is her liking memes on Facebook that claim to do things like provide people plenty of money from the Christian god, if they will only repost the meme with the word “Amen”.

Lila Shutt is described by the Trump for President campaign as a “minister” from Polk County, Iowa.

It would be more accurate to call Lila Shutt a faith healer.

There is no record of Lila Shutt working as a minister at any church.

Video does, however, show Lila Shutt working as one of many faith healers at a booth at the Iowa State Fair in 2015. The booth was set up by Holy Spirit Led Ministries.

The new book Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition reveals what Christian Nationalism looks like in practice. The authors explore the identities, beliefs, and activities of people like Lila Shutt, members Donald Trump’s Christian Nationalist network - the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

Their research uncovers the religious extremism that helped Trump secure the Republican nomination in the Iowa caucuses and is paving the way for his return to the White House in November 2024.

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates American law

Let’s learn more about the extremist Christian Nationalists who are members of Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.