Kevin Johnson Trump Christian Iowa

It certainly sounds frightening to consider that Democrats are pushing to legalize pedophilia. What kind of politician, after all, would want to have sex with children?

In fact, the only member of Congress who is under any sort of investigation for a connection to pedophilia is a Republican. US Representative Matt Gaetz, from Florida’s 1st congressional district, is under investigation for having sex with underage girls.

When Kevin Johnson said that “they” are pushing to legalize pedophilia, he didn’t name any names. There’s a simple reason for that. There’s nobody he could name. There are no politicians of either party that have introduced legislation that would legalize sex between adults and children.

When Kevin Johnson tells members of his church that such legislation exists, he is lying. It’s an easy fact to check. The only speeches in Congress, and the only legislation in the current session of Congress, that have anything at all to do with pedophilia are in opposition to pedophilia, not in support of it.

Kevin Johnson is abusing his position as the leader of a church to spread disinformation. The fact that he fails to name names during his accusatory sermons indicates that he either knows that he’s lying or that he’s just too lazy to do any research before he opens his mouth.

Kevin Johnson is pastor of the Boone Church Of God Of Prophecy, in Boone, Iowa.

Johnson teaches his church’s members that Democrats are trying to legalize pedophilia. In a sermon in March 2024, he warned:

“God’s order was that marriage was one man and one woman, a man and a woman, male female. That’s it. That was marriage. Well. people began to redefine that, and they said, well, marriage can be two men. It can be two women. It can be, you know, this and that and the other, and I said right then, I said ‘We have just stepped onto the slippery slope, and the next thing they will recognize as a sexual preference is pedophilia.’ Well, guess what? They’re pushing for that right now.”

Kevin Johnson Iowa Trump Republican preacher

Kevin Johnson consistently preaches a pseudohistory of America to his congregation, relying on the ignorance of churchgoers to perpetuate Christian Nationalist mythology of a US Constitution that was based in the Christian Bible. In fact, the Constitution of the United States is based upon a rejection of the political ideology of the Christian Nationalism of the British monarchy.

Donald Trump says that the United States is a Christian nation. What will that mean in practice, if Trump gains the power of the Presidency?

A new book on the subject avoids abstract discussions of political ideology and religious theology. Instead, the research behind Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is grounded in a detailed examination of the actual Christian Nationalists who propelled Donald Trump to victory in the Iowa caucuses of 2024, enabling him to seize the Republican Party presidential nomination.

What emerges is a case study in magical thinking, an obsession with demons, fantasies of sacred torture and holy wars, and a movement filled with people who believe that they are capable of delivering a new generation of Christian prophecies that carry equal weight to anything found in the Bible.

This is a story that America cannot afford to ignore.

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates the law

Let’s make it our business to become aware of the radical Christian Nationalists who are members of the Coalition.