Joel Koebnat is listed by the Trump for President campaign as a pastor in Scott County, Iowa.
There is no record anywhere online of any Joel Koebnat working as a pastor or other church official in Scott County, Iowa.
That’s because the name of the pastor from Scott County who signed up to endorse Donald Trump and join the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is Joel Kobernat, not Joel Koebnat.
The Trump campaign couldn’t even get Joel Kobernat’s name spelled right. Does the Trump campaign they know who Joel Kobernat is? Do they care? Is he anything more than just another name on their list?
Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a new book about the alarming truth of militant Christian Nationalism hidden behind the innocuous label of “faith” in Iowa politics.
The book examines the extremist Christian Nationalist ideology, grounded in details about the beliefs and actions of 317 actual Christian Nationalists who are working to undermine democracy across the state of Iowa.
The radicalization of the Iowa Christians profiled in this book enables us to understand the motivations and methods within the Christian Nationalism that exerts an increasing toxic influence in American political culture.
The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates the law
Let’s make it our business to become aware of the radical preachers who are members of the Coalition.