Iowa Churches Turning to ORganized Crime

The members of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition aren’t just political extremists. Most of them are also turning into criminals.

The law keeps a clear distinction between non-profit groups and political campaign organizations, so that non-profits can go about their work without being corrupted by partisan politics. This way, people can donate money to good causes without their donations being dishonestly re-directed to self-serving politicians.

Also, the special benefit of not paying taxes is a way for the American people as a whole to benefit non-profit organizations. Obviously, it would not be fair if political candidates received the same benefit, because political candidates aren’t working for the public good. They’re working for themselves and their donors.

This law applies equally to religious and non-religious non-profit organizations. There is no discrimination against religious groups involved at all. Churches are perfectly free to endorse and campaign for political candidates, just so long as they agree to pay taxes.

Whether you’re concerned about political corruption of the US government by money laundering through religious organizations, or the moral corruption of American churches by power-hungry politicians, you should be opposed to the way that members of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition are violating the law for the sake of Donald Trump.


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