A Prophet fighting evil sorcerers in iowa’s cornfields

The basis of Katherine Watsey’s membership in Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is her role an apostolic prophet and associate of the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network, through which she has spoken about her prophecies of the re-emergence of the ancient god Baal in the United States. She is also the founder and leader of the Fire on the Altar Ministries.

Watsey teaches her followers that we are living in a special time when the forces of the Christian god and the forces of Baal are fighting in the state of Iowa.

She connects ancient stories from the Book of Exodus with contemporary politics, declaring that the Christian god will lay waste to the United States in the equivalent of the legendary seven plagues in Egypt. “We are living in the times now for these things to be fulfilled!” she says.

Watsey claims that the Christian god himself is in direct contact with her, providing her with messages about disasters that will soon befall the state of Iowa.

Christians, she says, will soon be “taking back everything that the enemy took from us.”

“The Lord is saying I’m giving you a new authority in this region now. You have authority to be the gatekeepers over the borders and boundaries of this nation. God is giving you a new mantle, new anointing, new authority.”

Watsey tells her followers that Christians have the right to take power for themselves, overturning American democracy. According to her, the Christian god has appeared before prophets such as herself, and announced that Christians have his permission to take over the United States and transform it into a religious kingdom.

“My warrior angels right now have come and they’re going to throw down the horns of those that are coming against the purposes of God.”

Katherine Watsey travels to churches across the Midwest, giving sermons in which she announces that she and her associates are engaged in a magical battle against evil sorcerers. On April 27, 2022 Watsey told the audience at a worship service at the Impact Center in Lawton, Oklahoma:

“We’re going to defeat the magicians and sorcerers of today. Yes we are!… I’m trying to paint a picture of what God is doing in this decade. You see, he’s raising up his people in this decade to walk in a way that you’ve never walked before, just like Moses and Aaron… See, we have these same magicians today in all kinds of things in our society.”

In one specific instance of her magical war against the evil sorcerers of Baal, Watsey claims that she was sent on a supernatural mission to set up a magical canopy of protection over the state of Indiana, identifying secret magical altars of evil that were hidden underground across Indiana, at locations such as an oil refinery in the northwestern corner of the state.

“We found out that there were altars under the ground in there, put there by people that use altars for power, and the reason I knew is because when I looked up that county, it was called Lake County, Indiana, it is the most corrupt county in the United States of America… You see, this wicked county where we went, God told me that if you will go to that place and pray, where those altars have been, and that have from long long ago manipulated the petroleum industry over the nation, you watch what I’m going to do.”

“We are going to take down the altars of Baal in this nation, if the church will rise up!”

Christians, Watsey said, have been given a divine command to plunder the secular society of the United States.

“God is going to cause you to plunder your enemies… The church is getting to rise up in power and glory. That’s why he’s saying get ready… This is the season for us to come into many of the things that God has promised to us.”

Katherine Watsey uses the language of war to describe what her followers are soon going to unleash.

“You’re about to see God cut the enemy in pieces.”

“We have to war. The lord is getting ready to crush the dragon.”

Some of Katherine Watsey’s calls to arms, encouraging Christians to seize power and go to battle to take their rightful place in control of the United States, came before the insurrection of January 6, 2021. She has continued her talk of divine commands of holy war in the aftermath of that attack.

Katherine Watsey has the right to believe these things. She can believe that she is a kind of Christian version of Hermione Granger fighting against Lord Voldemort in Iowa.

However, we have the right and responsibility of discernment.

Freedom of religion in the United States does not mean that we are obligated to accept whatever people say they believe is true without question.

Freedom of religion does not even mean that we need to respect what other people believe. In fact, part of the freedom of religion is the freedom to disagree with other people’s religions, and to disbelieve a religion, if that’s how we feel.

Freedom of religion means that Katherine Watsey has the right to believe that she is talking directly to the creator of the universe who is giving her prophecies about hidden magical altars buried underground in secret locations around the United States by evil sorcerers and that we have the right to believe that she is living in a fantasy.

Freedom of religion in the USA under the First Amendment to the Constitution means that everybody has the right to believe what they want to believe, and to practice their beliefs as they see fit, so long as they don’t hurt other people. Freedom of religion means that people have the right to choose among many different religions, and that people have the right to choose to live with no religion at all.

The problem is that Christian Nationalists like Katherine Watsey don’t believe in freedom of religion. Christian Nationalists believe in the power of religion. They believe in absolute right and absolute wrong, and that people who are right should have the power to punish and dominate people who are wrong.

That’s why Katherine Watsey uses language of warfare when she talks about her Christianity, and when she talks about politics. Katherine Watsey believes that there must be a war between Americans who believe exactly what she believes about religion against all the other Americans who believe differently.

Katherine Watsey believes this literally. She believes that her god literally is fighting against evil sorcerers and other gods, such as Baal, and that her god is going to start a war in the United States of America, in Iowa.

Watsey preaches that this war will begin within a decade. She believes that the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States will help to begin this war of American Christians against non-Christian Americans.

Katherine Watsey is approaching the line where freedom of religion ends. She has the right to believe that there will be a war of Americans against Americans. She even has the right to want for there to be an American civil war waged by Christians against everybody else. Katherine Watsey can even share what she believes are prophecies about this bloody war of Christian power that she thinks is just around the corner.

What Katherine Watsey does not have the right to do is to incite violence. She does not have the right to organize a violent Christian insurrection. She does not have the right to organize mobs of Christians and tell them to go attack people who do not believe in Christianity.

Katherine Watsey has not yet crossed the line from freedom of religion into incitement of religious genocide, but she is coming close. Katherine Watsey is encouraging people to believe that an American civil war of Christians killing non-Christians is in the near future, and that it will be a good thing.

At the same time, Katherine Watsey is loudly supporting Donald Trump, a politician who says that people who aren’t Christians, people who don’t obey him, must be rooted out like vermin.

It isn’t hard to see how these two strains of violence, Donald Trump motivated by his personal vengeance and his Christian Nationalist supporters motivated by their religious hatred, could end in a bloodbath the likes of which the world has never seen.

People have rightfully compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. Donald Trump has many of the same totalitarian urges and Nazi beliefs. When he talks about immigrants poisoning the blood of America, Trump is using the ideas and words of Adolf Hitler.

However, Donald Trump could be much more dangerous than Hitler ever was. Hitler did not have nuclear weapons. Nazi Germany did not have electronic surveillance or artificial intelligence or military drones capable of sending death down from the skies without any warning. 

The stakes could not be more high.

Katherine Watsey’s bizarre violent fantasies are not merely laughable. They are very very dangerous. 

Don’t forget, it isn’t just Katherine Watsey who has endorsed Donald Trump. Donald Trump has also endorsed Katherine Watsey, by placing her in his Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

There are many people like Katherine Watsey in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition. That’s why it’s so important that we investigate who the people of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition are, and what they are planning.

That’s why this podcast will be back tomorrow with more news about the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

Stay tuned.


Christians Only in Trump Iowa Coalition


It gets really bizarre