Geralyn Jones Trump Christian nationalist Iowa

While Geralyn Jones opposes full sex education and accurate history education, she promotes pseudoscientific conspiracy theories, such as the idea that patterns in solar eclipse paths over North America are in fact divinely-written Hebrew letters foretelling the imminent return of Jesus.

She has also promoted conspiracy theories about chemtrails, and claims that Satan is working against her political activism.

In 2021, the Linn County Sheriff investigated Geralyn Jones for election misconduct after she admitted that she had fraudulently obtained signatures for the petition she was circulating. When she was confronted with evidence, Jones acknowledged that many of the signatures on her petition, which was to obtain her a slot on the ballot for a school board election, were forged.

When she ran for a spot on the Linn-Mar Community School District Board Geralyn Jones described herself as a full-time wife and mother, not having any professional position. There is no information about any “small group leader” position she has taken on, other than to become an activist with the local chapter of the political extremist group Moms For Liberty.

Although Moms For Liberty is motivated by Christian Nationalist ideology, it is a political activist group, attempting to change public policy to force right wing Christian rules on all Americans. Moms For Liberty isn’t itself a religious organization.

So, unless there is some secret small religious group leadership that Geralyn Jones is hiding, it seems profoundly dishonest for Donald Trump to describe her as a “faith leader”, and include her in his Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

Geralyn Jones is listed as a member of Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition as a “small group leader” in Linn County, Iowa.

The “small group” that Geralyn Jones is a leader of is county chapter of a nationwide political organization called Moms For Liberty.

Moms For Liberty is an anti-education extremist organization that develops campaigns to ban books in communities across America. The group encourages people to harass librarians and teachers, and to disrupt school board meetings in order to prevent the democratic process from operating effectively.

Moms For Liberty activists have been prosecuted for making terrorist threats of violence against teachers and school boards.

Moms For Liberty has orchestrated campaigns to obstruct public health measures, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans.

The organization spreads hateful messages encouraging racial discrimination and destruction of legal equality for LGBTQ Americans.

Moms For Liberty leaders have promoted religious discrimination against non-Christian Americans, suggesting policies such as shutting down mosques where Muslim Americans go to worship. In Moms For Liberty ideology, freedom of religion is for Christians only.

Each one of the 317 members of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition carries a story about what led them as individuals to proclaim that their religious leadership would be devoted to the political career of Donald Trump. Some of those stories have been shared in public, though many of them remain in the privacy of Coalition members’ own consciences.

Beyond these individual stories, there is a larger narrative about the impact of Christian Nationalism on American politics and the radically transformative plans of Christian Nationalists for the American future.

These stories are told in a new book on the subject. It’s called Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

It sounds crazy, but it’s real. What they intend to do to America is too extreme for us to ignore.

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates American law

Let’s learn more about the extremist Christian Nationalists who are members of Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.