Dave Mork Trump Christian Humboldt Iowa

Mork also has preached that it is the job of women to submit to men.

Then, without a hint of awareness of the contradiction, Mork declared that “We must obey god rather than man.”

We’re confused. Are we supposed to submit to men, or not submit to men?

David Mork is interim pastor of Oak Hill Church in Humboldt, Iowa.

Oak Hill Church preaches that the Christian bible “has supreme authority in all matters”, and teaches its followers to look forward to the overthrow of American democracy with a Christian Kingdom, under which non-Christians will be tortured with “endless suffering”.

Mork recently preached that Christianity must be the basis of every family. Mork declared that large numbers of families in Iowa should be broken up because they don’t conform with his particular version of Christianity.

Donald Trump achieved victory in the Iowa caucuses due to support from the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition. That victory enabled him to clinch the Republican Party presidential nomination for 2024.

That makes the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition the most politically influential Christian Nationalist group in the country… but very little has been known about this organization, until now.

The book Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition reveals the terrorism, faith healing, fraud, demonic obsessions, and fantasies of global religious genocide that pervade the Christian Nationalist movement that Donald Trump has promised to take all the way to the White House.

It’s a terrifying new political reality, but we can’t afford to look the other way.

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates American law

Let’s learn more about the extremist Christian Nationalists who are members of Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.