Brad Sherman is pastor at Solid Rock Church in Coralville, Iowa and a Republican member of the Iowa State legislature.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Brad encouraged Americans to avoid taking measures to slow the spread of the virus.

Brad advocates for a Christian theocracy rather than secular democracy, writing that “Rights come from God not Government”.

In February of 2023, he introduced an amendment to the Iowa State Constitution that would outlaw all marriages other than between a man and a woman, citing “the laws of nature and nature’s God” as justification.

Brad Sherman has introduced legislation that would assist people who seek to discriminate against married couples who are non-heterosexual.

In another bill in the Iowa State legislature, Brad Sherman proposed changing the law in order to make it easier for schools to ban books from their libraries.

Other legislation proposed by Brad Sherman would give the Iowa state government the power to tell people what their gender is, and force people to behave as if their government-assigned gender is their actual gender. The bill would also legalize discrimination against Iowans on the basis of their gender identity.

Another bill from Brad would ban public schools from being kind and affirming of students’ genders. If his bill became law, Iowa public school teachers and administrators would be forced to act as gender police, compelling students into stereotypical gender expressions regardless of students’ and families wishes.

Brad also introduced two bills in order to prohibit the prescription or distribution of arbortifacient medications such as mifepristone, mifegyne, or ormifeprex.

Brad Sherman is pushing these extreme pieces of legislation because he believes that the truth of his Christianity is absolute, and must not give way to any alternative. He does not desire a future in which people are able to think of things in different ways. His goal is for his religion to conquer and dominate everyone in the United States and around the world. In an essay against humanism, he writes:

We are called to be soldiers in God's army - and we are supposed to win. Jesus has given us the authority and commissioned us to ‘...make disciples of all the nations’… We are called to boldly proclaim Christian values, not only in our churches, but also in the public square and make disciples of all the nations. We are called to prepare the way for the King and His appearing, at which time every knee will bow and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord.”

Brad Sherman believes that all government in Iowa must submit to Christian control, allowing no other religion representation in government. Sherman writes:

“If we claim to believe in the One Supreme Being, the God of all creation, we cannot claim an exemption from obedience to Him in things relating to civil government. In fact, if we claim Him as our God, then we as legislators and government officials are His ministers. As such we must submit to Him in government as much as any other area of life.”

Brad Sherman is one of over 300 members of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition, a shadowy network of Christian Nationalists who are doing everything they can to ensure that Donald Trump is elected President in 2024.

Their goal is not only to put Trump in office, but to use him as means to achieve their ultimate objective: To replace American democracy with a totalitarian Christian theocracy with Donald Trump at its head.

To find out more about this anti-democracy network, read the new book Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a radical political organization that violates the law

Let’s make it our business to become aware of the radical preachers who are members of the Coalition.