In practice, Moms For Liberty harasses public libraries and schools with demands for:
weakening of public health measures
book bans
discrimination against LGBTQ children, teachers, and parents
weakened science education
introduction of Christian Nationalist pseudohistory into curricula
racist ideology
proselytizing of Christianity in public schools
promotion of right wing conspiracy theories
Moms for Liberty promotes a Christian Nationalist agenda, but it is a political activist network, not a religious organization.
Amy Dea is a political activist, not a religious leader.
Amy Dea is listed as a “board member” in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.
That implies that she is the member of an administrative board of a church. Amy Dea is not that.
In fact, Amy Dea is a political activist. She is the chair of the Carroll County chapter of Moms For Liberty.
In its press materials, Moms For Liberty tends to be vague about its agenda, saying that it stands up for parents’ rights.
Want more insights into the members of the Iowa Faith Coalition?
You might want to flip through the pages of a new book on the subject. It’s called Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.
The book collects information about all 317 members of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.
The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition is a murky political organization that violates the law
Learn more about the radical Christian Nationalists who belong to Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.